Suburban train timetable Sochi → Tuapse
Train Itinerary | Itinerary | Departure | Arrival | |
6802Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Departure04:42 2 h 34 min | Arrival07:16 | |
6804Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Departure07:33 2 h 33 min | Arrival10:06 | |
6806Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Departure10:38 2 h 29 min | Arrival13:07 | |
6004Aero Sochi — Tuapse | Aero Sochi — Tuapse | Departure11:49 2 h 34 min | Arrival14:23 | |
6006Aero Sochi — Tuapse | Aero Sochi — Tuapse | Departure15:09 2 h 13 min | Arrival17:22 | |
6808Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Departure16:58 2 h 48 min | Arrival19:46 | |
6014Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Departure17:56 1 h 58 min | Arrival19:54 | |
6014Imer Kurort — Armavir | Imer Kurort — Armavir | Departure17:56 1 h 58 min | Arrival19:54 | |
6046Aero Sochi — Tuapse | Aero Sochi — Tuapse | Departure18:42 2 h 24 min | Arrival21:06 | |
6832Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Departure18:57 2 h 50 min | Arrival21:47 | |
6810Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Departure19:16 2 h 48 min | Arrival22:04 | |
6016Aero Sochi — Tuapse | Aero Sochi — Tuapse | Departure22:13 2 h 3 min | Arrival00:16 | |
6814Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Departure22:29 2 h 24 min | Arrival00:53 | |
6812Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Imer Kurort — Tuapse | Departure23:29 2 h 29 min | Arrival01:58 |
Sochi - Tuapse: suburban train timetable
You can find the timetable for Sochi - Tuapse suburban trains on our website
Additional information on the timetable for Sochi - Tuapse suburban trains
The timetable for Sochi - Tuapse suburban trains for 2025 includes 14 local trains traveling on this route.
You will find up-to-date train timetables and information on changes to the schedule on our website.
If you want to save time and reach your destination earlier, we recommend choosing the fastest suburban train on this route, No. 6802. It travels between the stations in 2 h 34 min. For comparison, the travel time of the slowest train is 2 h 34 min.
All RZD suburban trains on the route Sochi - Tuapse have stops along the route. You can get out at any stop or change train.
Route Sochi - Tuapse
The next Sochi - Tuapse train will leave on 23 March at 04:42.
What is an e-ticket?
An e-ticket for a train is a document that you will receive by email after payment. It looks different on a computer or smartphone than a paper ticket issued at a ticket office, but the e-ticket contains the same information about your trip.
How can I buy train tickets?
Buying a train e-ticket on our website is very easy:
- Select the route and date;
- Select a train;
- Select number of passengers;
- Enter your personal details;
- Select a payment method;
- После оплаты заказа, билеты будут отправлены вам на почту. (en)
What is electronic registration?
Electronic registration is a service that allows you to register online and board the train with your boarding coupon. You do not have to get a ticket at the RZD ticket office or at the terminal.
What payment methods are available?
Payment method