Timetable of train 058В Belgorod - Moscow
Carrier: ФПК
Train rating:
Station | Arrival | Stopping time | Departure | Distance | Travel time |
BelgorodStation Belgorod | Stopping time | 14:35Tue, 06 Mar | Travel time 0 min | ||
Prohorovka | 15:32 | Stopping time 2 min | 15:34 | Distance50 km | Travel time 57 min |
Rzhava | 15:54 | Stopping time 2 min | 15:56 | Distance72 km | Travel time1 h 19 min |
Krivetskaya | 16:33 | Stopping time 2 min | 16:35 | Distance101 km | Travel time1 h 58 min |
Gubkin | 17:29 | Stopping time 5 min | 17:34 | Distance137 km | Travel time2 h 54 min |
Stariey Oskol | 18:15 | Stopping time 35 min | 18:50 | Distance157 km | Travel time3 h 40 min |
Gorshechnoe | 19:23 | Stopping time 2 min | 19:25 | Distance183 km | Travel time4 h 48 min |
Kastornaya-Novaya | 19:56 | Stopping time 3 min | 19:59 | Distance213 km | Travel time5 h 21 min |
Naberezhnoe | 20:19 | Stopping time 2 min | 20:21 | Distance235 km | Travel time5 h 44 min |
Terbunie | 20:44 | Stopping time 2 min | 20:46 | Distance257 km | Travel time6 h 9 min |
Dolgorukovo | 21:05 | Stopping time 2 min | 21:07 | Distance277 km | Travel time6 h 30 min |
Plotie | 21:19 | Stopping time 2 min | 21:21 | Distance288 km | Travel time6 h 44 min |
Ulusarka | 21:40 | Stopping time 2 min | 21:42 | Distance311 km | Travel time7 h 5 min |
Yelets | 22:03 | Stopping time 53 min | 22:56 | Distance324 km | Travel time7 h 28 min |
Efremov | 00:14 | Stopping time 2 min | 00:16 | Distance390 km | Travel time9 h 39 min |
Uzlovaya | 02:01 | Stopping time 2 min | 02:03 | Distance482 km | Travel time11 h 26 min |
Moscow | 05:55Wed, 07 Mar | Stopping time | Distance680 km | Travel time15 h 20 min |
With UFS.Travel you can check at any time the exact timetable for train 058В Belgorod - Moscow, the route with all stops, the availability of seats on specific dates, and buy tickets for train 058В and other standard and premium service RZD trains.
How can I buy train tickets?
- Specify the date of your trip.
- Check the availability and price of the train tickets. Select a train, car type and seat on the car plan.
- Pay using the most convenient method.
- Receive your e-ticket.
- Когда вы прибудете на вокзал и соберетесь садиться на поезд, просто предъявите проводнику паспорт.
Train 058В Belgorod - Moscow
If you are planning a trip from Belgorod to Moscow, you can book a ticket for train 058В. In accordance with RZD rules, the train ticket price is given for each specific date.
You can find the detailed timetable of train 058В Belgorod - Moscow and the route with all stops on our website. Before setting off, you can check which stations and cities your train will stop at.
Price per seat
Стоимость железнодорожных билетов колеблется в зависимости от вида вагона, времени отправления и других факторов. На фирменные поезда РЖД железнодорожные билеты стоят дороже
What are e-tickets and electronic registration?
Electronic registration is the most convenient way to travel. You can use our UFS.Travel service to buy a ticket in any town without going to the station. The e-ticket is the boarding coupon which you will receive by email after payment. You do not have to print it, just show your passport upon boarding at the station.
How do I get a paper ticket?
If you prefer to have a paper ticket, you have two options:
• go to the ticket office at any RZD station and give your e-ticket's 14-digit code;
• enter the 14-digit code in the self-registration terminal.